It's time to combine your

walk-ins & appointments


These are unprecedented and difficult times the industry are facing - but you can still take control of your business and plan for a brighter future.

Try Booksy for free today!

Know when and where your income is coming from - instead of hoping for a busy day

Clients can 'queue' from the comfort of their own home so you can manage the occupancy of your shop to reduce the risk.

Spread the rush of walk-in clients so you are consistently busy and avoid the long waiting times for your clients.

Use Booksy's marketing tools to easily communicate with your clients about re-opening via email, SMS or push notifications.

How things might differ once the lock-down gets lifted?

There will most likely be a period where social distancing will still need to apply to ensure safety of the general public. This could mean that crowded shops could go against government guidelines.

Whilst walkins will always be the life and blood of a barbershop, it might be a smart time to begin introducing appointments as well, to provide a queueing from home solution.

There will most likely be a period where social distancing will still need to apply to ensure safety of the general public.

Whilst walkins will always be the life and blood of a barbershop, it might be a smart time to begin introducing appointments and queueing from home solution.

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"It's going to be a time you have to be doing appointments"

"Don't be afraid to do it"

"It's going to be a time you have to be doing appointments"

Click to play video


"Do makes your customers feel like you care about them more"

"It's safer and more professional"

The Industry is already talking about how things may change after Covid-19

Switch to appointments today!

Business benefits for the future

Clients can self-book 24/7 wherever they find you: social media, your website, and Booksy of course! Using Booksy to manage your appointments will not only make life easier for you and your clients, but it will also give you many benefits for your business moving forward.

Booksy’s marketing tools can allow you to easily communicate with your client base through email, SMS, or notifications through the app. This means if you need to communicate essential information to your clients, or want to encourage more appointments , you can do so effortlessly.

Start your free 14-day trial

Clients can self-book 24/7 wherever they find you: social media, your website, and Booksy of course! Using Booksy to manage your appointments will not only make life easier for you and your clients to get booked in.

Booksy’s marketing tools can allow you to easily communicate with your client base. This means if you need to communicate essential information to your clients or want to encourage more appointments you can do so effortlessly with Booksy.

Want to talk to our team?

Find out more about the amazing features that Booksy has for barbers, simply get in touch with us via our support chat or contact us on

Booking peace of mind

© Booksy, 2020